
GOD . . .Do we believe? . . .I believe!

I do not know if i believe the way i am suppose to, but i do indeed believe.

Is he in my life . . .YES!   How can i tell he is in my life? Because i get answers to many things that i ask of him. How do i know the answers are from him? Because it is only him that i ask.

GOD is.  I know people say there is no GOD that we are our own GOD. They also say it is the power of prayer. [This must be the magnet thing], people say we are connected to with the universe . . .How does that work?  THINKING POSITIVE.


IS Jesus in my life . . .NO!  I do not know Jesus nor do i know this Mother Mary. [Forgive me of my sins]. For not knowing. But i believe in what i know. I know GOD. Anything else are stories, and we are taught not to believe everything we read . . .People make things up and or change things to sound better or forget, so they add in. [Was it red or blue, i thought it was yellow]. Well now . . .We have him over here saying it was black.

What do we believe?  If i believe in GOD why not JESUS? I do not know this answer. But i do know,  if i prayed enough and demanded, pestering God to answer me if JESUS is as real, as he is, God will show me . . .HOW?   How will GOD answer me?

Through vision. This is much easier on humans.  We can handle visions, where as we can not handle a voice coming at us out of the sky. WE WILL FREAK OUT.

I believe if we truly believe in GOD and bug him enough he will show us what we want to know. How do i know this . . .Because i did it and was shown an answer. What was my question?   The true way of Baptisim.

One day MORMONS came to my home to convert my house hold. They said if we wanted to go to HEAVEN we had to be BAPTISED by way of being submerged under water.

I could not believe this underwater. But they kept coming and pressing this matter.  So i prayed and i whined and i asked, i carried on for three days. On this third day i went to the garage to smoke my cigarette, and got LOUD at the LORD to ANSWER ME.

I do not remember exactly what i said, but when i left the garage and started down my drive-way,  as i turned the corner, there in front of me, up on my right was a vision . . 

 A figure of a man,  in the whitest of robes, stood, with another man kneeling in front of him,  his hands were placed on the bowing head.

The Mormans did not like this nor did they believe this, but who would?

If it were you . . .Not me.



This question is posted in the Sympatico News . . .

Why are humans born helpless. They go on to show a new-born sleeping baby . . .

I’m thinking like a seed? If you do not put it in the ground and water it and give it sunlight,  it will not grow, it is a helpless seed.

I’m thinking like a NEW BORN KITTEN OR PUPPY? If the mother dog does not eat the sack this helpless thing will suffocate and die.

I’m thinking what of a new-born monkey . . .Should the mother give birth and walk away, will this animal get up and play? No it will die.

Humans are to be nurtured, something to have and to hold.


  1. Humans are not of the animal kingdom.
  2. No other human wants to kill and eat it.
  3. Humans are not born fully developed thus leaving it helpless.

I can not imagine something coming out of a woman and getting up and walking around, giving orders and chewing tobacco. What . . .

Why are humans born helpless? Because we are not animals. Most creatures are born helpless until any strength is fully developed

Besides,  does God not say . . .I give you life, now do what you will with it,  or something there like that.  What is so helpless of a babies cry,  when it hungers.

I guess it all depends what one means when they say helpless . . .Maybe that is what the question means . . .A human that is born blind deaf and dumb . . .Now that is helpless to us at thedoghouse. But as long as you have a voice you are not helpless.


Why are humans born helpless . . .Our brains are not fully developed like some animals that, if, they can not get up and run right away, they are killed or they die on the spot.

This dog is going to go sleep on  this . . .Then chew a bone and wonder.



Sam found these strange markings on his blackboard when he went to checkout his shopping list, he had to go into town for a few things.

Sam's find

What is this strangeness upon this wall . . .Who, what is this girl.

 He could not help,  but,  to take a picture of this on his cell phone. Besides it would help remind him  about all the things he needed in town.

Don’t forget he found this kind of markings on several sheets of paper.

Sam found

Sam thinks this some sort of Greek language. And took a picture of this with his cell phone.

It is a language . . .But not GREEK. Only one person can defer these markings.

But right now school is starting back up . . .Summer is over and all children go to school unless they are babies. Lots of people back to work, people shopping and doing what ever most people do at HIGH NOON outside on any given day in the cities.

In the cities people haven’t got a clue as to what is happening outside their city. Not one of them know there is over 6,000 HOT WHITE coming to FEED and BIRTH. THE GREATER PART OF MANKIND have not been warned of this known 27 day end of humanity. They thought the letter was a hoax, up there with the rulers of our countries. They laughed and joked and made no understanding of the reality being’s were here to turn MOTHER EARTH to RED DUST, calling it their new MARS, as mankind violated their mother earth MARS, dragging these entities back with them. Now they live in amongst us, in us,  and some FIGHT THE MORPH, while some choose to go back home.[but all knowing they can’t], they will take mother earth naming NEW HOME MARS . . .THE RED PLANET.

Mean-while Cleveland is feeling better and Sarophia is calming down getting use to the fact that where she is, is, where she has to stay for a while,  before she gets to go look for her mother. Besides she was kind of forgetting about her mother while she was laying nurse maid to this man. Besides,  she did not want to,  have to, drag him out and put him behind the outhouse. Not all by herself . . .She knew she was to little and he was big and heavy. 

Right now she was swatting at a bee,  that which got in the hut and down under with them. She did not like this bee buzzing around her nose, as it was doing right now. Then she heard him say . . .Hey little girl . . .Don’t go hurting them bees, don’t go acting like a little baby now, just let it be . . .He giggled at her and told her to stop scaring his bees. Then he asked her if seh was hungry that he was and needed to eat and get some strength up and go see in town and let her have a look see for herself,  that her mom was gone like everyone else.  He thought it would be a good thing to get it over with and done. Your mom is gone! You can stay with me and go into the city or you can stay alone. These are the things he will tell her in the best man way he knows. 

That is it for now.



Aw, yes, #1 concern in life should be yourself, on how to maintain, contain, and behave, yourself.

Anything after that is relevant or something there like that.


That is how life goes. You are responsable for your own actions no matter the predicament . . .Think about it. . .Unless someone takes your life,  [alive or death], there could have very well been a choice, there too. [ I don’t ever want to find out], because this is crule. Teeth and claw bearing. shit.

But when you think about it, really think about it . . .We make the choice to be where we were at the time of any demise.  [And this stinks]. But that is life and sometimes we have no control of life. Life is.

Number one concern in life is learning to live in it. [Another choice], right? RIGHT! . . .Because the CARPET_BAGGERS< Political parties>< Econimests chewing parties.>And what ever else out there ruling the life we live in . . .Is the life we live in. LIFE will always be like that. AND YES! . . .There will always be the RICH out there that are will and have the man power to fight against how we should spend our working money. But not you, the non rich . . .The little guy, the guy that makes enough money to get by . . .You need to live life and not take it out on the world, hating them treating them badly because you don’t like the ways of life.    

To live

So your choice is to live in with it or rebel, [that takes tons of money] and guts and back-up, [man power],  and what ever else you may need to fight the GOVERNMENT, and who ever the government choose to call in for help against you. IS IT WORTH IT ? NO! . . .#1 concern in life is you. YOU and you alone are responsible for it.

SO . . .Why do we allow other people to control us.

Why do certain people allow this behavior upon themselves.


  1. They forgot number one concern in life-themselves.
  2. They are a people who need management.
  3. They are lost inside themselves.

How many of you out there think that this is a good way of looking at life and living in it . . .Answer me this . . .How do you choose to live in it. OH, BUT WAIT A MINUTE . . .WE DO NOT WANT TO READ ANY THING SCARY . . .[anything scary goes straight to the trash]. Period.

Get a whiff of that . . .THEDOGHOUSE has trash.

  • There are lots of scary shit here in  thedoghouse, we don’t need any more.
  • You know on second thought . . .Don’t even reply. [To funny] . . .Sometimes we scare ourselves here at thedoghousewhich get us really, silly and we,  run around in circles for a long time.

    Storms always roll in.


#1.   How you maintain yourself with others.






NEVER GIVE-UP ON YOURSELF . . .These are all hard things to do at times and we forget to concern ourselves and do what we do. Not care about others.

Now . . .In no way am i saying, #1. concern is you., in means of,  you,  behaving in any manner you choose.   [No body is allowed to break the rules of life and take life], because he/she, believes he/she should. I am not saying that you should behave in a manner in which it is only you who gets to eat the peanut-butter. I am saying, that your number one concern in life should be how you, respest others. How you maintain your composure towards and around, others. {BECAUSE YOU EXPECT THIS FROM OTHERS}. #1. concern in life [ is you ]









I remember when i was little . . .It was only fifty years ago. And to wait fifty years,  knowing you must,  wait fifty years,  is much greater than fifty years ago. Its a life time,  and life is like that.

Most people can not, wait ten minutes,  let alone fifty years.  But i remember when i was little i had to wait for my dad to get home from work . . .I had to wait in my room, while the seven other siblings played in the livingroom. I could have sworn my mother phoned my dad at work telling him not to come home . . .[ That is what i started thinking ],  cause it was taking forever for my dad to come,  home.   I remember when i was little, i didn’t even know what time was, nor did i know how to tell,  the time. After all i am little and what is time when we are little?

  • Time to go to bed
  • Not enough time to play
  • Three times and you are out
  • It takes dad a long time to get home.

I knew nothing  about  time on the clock nor how to read it,  for that matter. I guess it was never explained to me right. I remember when i was little learning to tell time in school, with a whole lot of other kids, way smarter than i was. But not on the playing field. All i knew,  there was quickness, speed, the fastest. I did not care to learn about time or anything else that did not offer me help in any day-to-day living.

  • Staying out of trouble
  • How not getting lickens
  • what was for supper
  • And anything else that may teach me defence skills.

I had no time for any other silly stuff like spelling, reading, History, Geogrophy, math, printing and learning the A  B  C’s.

I on the other hand had more important things on my mind like sports and singing and art. All that other stuff was and still is a waste of brain space,  I remember when i was little i hated the learning process of telling time on the school clock,  in front of laughing students.

I remember when i was little some of the teachers were bullies and would personally pick on me making all the children laugh. I sat in corners with the dunce hat on, sat with the dunce hat and gum on my nose. Stood on a table while the whole of the class pointed and called me a hill-billy. I remember when i was little . . .They told me to spell the way i pronounce . . .Well if the walk is hillbilly, the talk is hill-billy, the spelling will be hill-billy. I would think,  one would  think . . .Well i thought spell’en was stupid in general when i was little.

I remember when i was little, one pound of sugar cost ten cents.  I remember thinking it was a lot of money for 1- lb. of sugar. That was high-way-robery to me. Never a penny left for candy. I remember when i was little back then . . .I couldn’t read or pronounce. And my mother sent me across the street to buy her kotex. Only i did not know what kotex was, or ever heard the word spoken, until then.  So in order for mother to send me,  was to send  a long a note, reading, KOTEX that i had to read.

knowing i could not talk read and pronounce, mother  found this musing,  sending me on missions for things like, Italian spaghetti sauce,   sausages.  Man i remember when i was little,  i hated to talk to anyone fifty years ago,  i still do. 

Lots of time wasted being laughed at,  no time to care about learning anything but life skills. Just so happens that reading and writing and spelling and all the other stuff like math and where to find treasures,  from 1812,  under the water,  lost by pirates,  or something there like that, should have been more of a concerning to LISTEN & LEARNING IN SCHOOL. Hearing and remembering.

I remember when i was little we learned songs like.

  • We are the girls from the institute
  • Oh Johnny
  • red robin
  • Jesus Loves me
  • They built a ship titanic
  • Tootsie
  • On ward Christian soldier
  • I’m a little acorn brown
  • Everything is beautiful 

I remember when i was little,  fifty years ago, cigarettes were 47cents. I believe the rest of the cost is the tax, because they now cost over 11.00$.   I remember when i was little i never thought about the cost of anything, only maybe the change for candy. Man 20 cents for two cans of soup.  10 cents for a loaf of bread. All of a sudden this all seems real important to me . . .If i wasn’t preoccupied with home and life-sustaining issues,  i could have learned to learn when i was little and become a country runner of the rules and stuff.

But like time,  things pass by us and we don’t even know it is out there. I remember when i was little,  there was a flash in the dark.





There she was . . .Little Sarophia, dragging a box,  up the encasements,  this is to enable her to stand on, the top step, on top the box, and open the floor-door.  And she did. There was no adult awake, not even awake for quite a while now. Besides . . .She figured it was time for her to go home and find her mommy. She felt her work here was done. She did what the man told her to do, which was to pump for water and put it on hem until the blood stopped flowing. Sarophia did as she was told and now she was free to go.

Up she went, dragging that box getting closer and more tired . . .Her young muscles and that wooden box, put up a fight forcing her to sit and rest, but not completely . . .She had to hold that box. Sarophia is going home to her mom and this stupid old box is not going to stop her. And she knew once she could each the latch she could open the hatch and get out.

Her mission went on until the very end as she carefully stood steadying herself not to fall, then she pushed up and the door opened up. Now she had to squeeze and climb out. Is she strong enough to pull the weight of her body up?  Then do the jump-off the ole’box trick, without making it fall and taking you with it trick.  She played that game once before, fell,  and split her lip . . .But that did not stop her from practicing, she just made sure no adult was around to stop her . . .Like now.  Sarophia knew she had two good saves on her side now rooting for her,  and only this one time to escape.

  1. The big people were sleeping.
  2. She turns out to be a great jumper, even with almost precise precision.

She readied her stance getting ready for the kick-off, then taking her moment she was up with the flat of the door,  resting on her shoulders and head, leaning on her elbows, hoping not to fall, talking to God,  telling him not to let her fall, cause she has to be as strong as the boys, cause they are mean and always want to hit her.  As it stands now Sarophia is the strongest girl in the playground.  And she needed to be better than Luc.

Sarophia looked silly hanging from the floor-door. Was she going to fall? Was she going to be strong enough to haul her body up and out from under the door? She hung there for maybe thirty seconds going on 40, per say, while she was up there just resting and chatting away . . .She was most concerned with the fact that no body is here to witness this strength of defeat, but her,  self. She was telling God that she had to be as good as Luc, because girls are not to be stronger than boys nor should they act smarter, [or you will never have a real man], or something like that,  that is what her grandmother keeps telling her.  She started kicking the air and using all her upper muscles, to pull her self up and across the thresh hold,  which is holding her captive . . .Yeah, i’d like to see Luc try this . . .She pulled and dragged her self up.  Pulling and wiggling herself over and out from the heavy,  floor-door.

She was sure to be thinking this is heavy and it hurts and she would not like to have to do it again . . .But for Luc she would.  Little Sarophia liked playing with Luc because he was strong and not a cry-baby. And i’m not no cry-baby,  i just want my mommy . . .She pulled hard with her arms and pulled, with her getting sore,  body and got her leg up onto the upstairs floor.  Now she needed to scramble out as fast as she could so the door does not slam, trap, down,  on any of her feet, not even her toe.

Cleveland Rupert woke up in time,  to see,  what he thought he was seeing? He is thinking if he is really seeing,  what he thinks,  he is seeing,  or if he is thinking he is seeing things.  Because right now he sees Sarophia’s right leg and foot hanging from the ceiling.  A trial test would be good right about now . . .The little girl should be over by the pump, pumping water. It was a little fuzzy, but Cleveland could see she was not .He quickly shot his attention back to where he thought he saw part of her. Nothing was there . . .She made it and was picking her self up off the floor,  when the door on the floor shut tight behind her, and making her way to the door of the hut.

By the time Mr. Rupert stood up on the main floor Sarophia was sitting up against the back wall and the door wide open. Ouch. was all she said when her head hit the wall. So running out on me are you . . .Then he said sternly . . .Hey little girl. Then he smiled. Did you even finish what i asked you to do?  Get on now and shut that door before you let all the bugs in. Then he rolled his eyes at her.  Your letting all the wind in. he smiled and gave a chuckle,  telling her girls don’t know nothing . . .Look at Barb . . .I told her not to come but she wanted to pick flowers. Now look at her,  does she look like she is picking flower to you? Go on, hurry-up and shut that door before you scare the bees away.  She looked from him to the door and said okay . . .He caught her intrest for a while and they talked . . .

And my name is not little girl . . .What is  it then. I all ready told you. Well spell it for me then. My name is Sarophia. Yeah, now,  spell it . . .He smiled down at her with his hand on his hip, like he was holding himself up.  Little girls don’t know how to spell. He laughed . She gave him a sour face and said. My mommy showed me how,   S  A  R  O  P  H  I  A. She gave another sour face and waited for him to be happy for her. other people were. But not Cleveland . . .He just looked at her and said. My friends call me Cleve, you can call me Cleve.  Sarophia squinted one eye at the man and said . . .I’m not your friend, i don’t know you, and mommy said not to talk to people who are not your friends. Mommy said . . .He interrupted her by mocking her . . .Mommy said mommy said, see your just a little girl. Then he tossed back his head in laughter. Mommy said . . .He cut her off again telling her she was indeed a little girl and little girls are good for nothing, cause they can’t learn fast like a boy.

This of course made Sarophia angry. She thought she was fast at everything and even as fast as Luc. So she told Mr. Rupert so. So . . .You think you are big enough to help me carry Barb up the stairs? Can’t she walk? No, and she has to go out to the tool shed . . .Hurry-up . . .can’t you think fast like a boy? You want me to carry Barb up all the stairs?  I don’t think you can . . .Girls can’t do anything.   Oh yes i can.  Sarophia stood for her honour. I can carry her forever.  Cleveland chuckled . . .For ever,  little girl? forever is something  you and i will never see. Now can you carry Barbs feet up the steps or not, and don’t give me that talk back.

They did. This may have taken a bit of time,  but they got her out of the bee-hut,  and laid her to rest behind the tool shed as her body had become flakey.

While the pair of them stood outside away from the shed Sarophia asked if it was okay if they went,  to find her mommy now. She ducked then swatted at a few bees swarming around her coming in a little to close for her liking.   But he just told her not to harm them and then told her he had,  too much on my mind and needed her help just a little more.  That Mommy is fine,  and they will go look for her later. Do you think you are strong enough to help me inside and show me how you worked the pump. I bet you couldn’t do it. Oh yes i did, i pumped it for ever while you were sleeping.

Cleveland had only enough strength to lock the both doors in a fashion She would not figure out. Locks and keys, then he became to drowsy.





The wind is blowing and coming in strong what does it carry in but black bees with white spots. The wind storms in,  without pity or care, spreading vermin and death in the air. What are these black bees with white spots, what becomes of the stung,  after the sting. Are they here to kill us or harbour no harm. What comes in on the wing of the wind. Black bees with white spots.



Sometimes we reach a point in our lives and come to an understanding about what we are wasting our time on, after years of fighting to stay our battle rather to face it.

To come to this observation, knowing you just realized how you were living in your life, something there like that. {One could say},  Oh my God . . .I have been putting all my living days,  directed at you, not living in any other way . . .I have ignored life wasting precious time and years trying to figure out a way to get you to keep me, all the while you like me,  you do not,  want my stay.

WHY? Why do we waste time,  on or in LOVE,  when it is only a one way street!  Oh wait a minute . . .You know,  it is a one-way street,  as you know,  they do not have the same feelings for you,  as you, do for them. You both know it.

The problem is,  time is being wasted,  and you have no time for anything else,  is your proof right there. Why we, certain wondering-people,  waste this time,  is because,  we are consumed in time,  where we fear our time is running out, to have that Love or what ever we believe we need.

Sometimes when we hit the nail on the head, just in thinking other thoughts of the person you Love and their thoughts on the matter, telling you it can’t happen, that category containing all the unconformities come together . . .POW! . . .You are hit with the thought, what the hell am i doing . . .How long have i been wasting my time and theirs for that matter. What was i thinking . . .

  • Have a life together?
  • You ignore me . . .
  • Why do i want to live with someone who has no time for me . .
  • Holy cow . . .
  • What is wrong with me and how come no one wants to keep me?

I am wasting all my time wanting to be Loved and kept by someone,  who has no time for me,  still,  for the second time around . . .I need help i have issues that must be dealt with by a professional head shrink . . .Now that will be time well spent, learning to understand yourself and others.

What about all the time wasted in your,  living life days,  on strange things, where, to other people, these strange things,  are nothing,  at all to deal with.  LUCKY them . . .

It is very HEALTHY to not to WORRY. Worry,  keeps you in a sick place in your mind, this place can kill you, it is called DEPRESSION . . .Depression is so very pleased you came to visit once again, but most happy, that,  this time,  you stayed for a few years while this depression feed,  off you,  staying alive.

Time,  is of the given gift of life, we, and only ourselves, need to learn how to use it, not let it slide by without a thought in a wind storm . . .We probably,  really,  aren’t listening anyway, to busy with depression chatting away it’s sad song of why and why nots.

It is time we learn depression hides it’s self well. May very well be hiding in your best friend or anyone one you know, your mom, dad, sibling . . .Depression can look you straight in the eyes and you can not see it.



Time gives us plenty of time,  to get things done and move on to something else, anything else,  for that matter, rather,  harbour in seas of sadness, doing nothing, beside,  getting though each day,  wanting for a Love you know you can,  not,  have.

Spend time, moving away from situations, you don’t,  belong in, and don’t tell me you do not know . . .Because you do know and only you and,  who ever else is with you. You know if you belong . . .You just do not want to accept this knowing, moving forward and on your way. But i have trouble with that too at times,  so i know these things and wasting,  of the time, every time i turn around time is gone, but i am still here.

During this time you will wonder, what is wrong with you, me, us. But actually the only answer to,  what,  is wrong with you, is,  you waste time on things,  unsettled in your mind, or you won’t take no for an answer, creating, webbing,  strings,  to float in your thoughts, giving cause, to waste time, to weave your mind. We are of the depressed people.

But all things,  in time,  come to an end one way or another, but not all things. The elements will always remain,  gaining,  life form no matter how much time it takes.



Friend. I have a friend his name is Eric. But there are thousands of Eric’s you see. But one Eric belongs to me. My Friend.  WHAT IS A FRIEND.

FRIEND:   A friend is much more than a person you like or an ally.

  1. We are all people.
  2. We all like to be liked.
  3. we all like an ally, who wants to be alone.

But JUST what is a friend. A real TRUE friend. 

  • Some people have lots of people they call friends.
  • Some people have no Friends.
  • Some people think they have friends.
  • Some people don’t believe in friends.

I my,  self, don’t have friends or believe in friends . . .As the matter of fact,  i had my fill of so-called friends. In my experiences with, [friends]. These people turned out to be, not friends,  but to be indeed alleys, for their real friends. Lips flapping like barn doors in a wind storm or something there like that. Well that ain’t no friend now is it.  

We all have people like that in our lives . . .YOU KNOW, the people you feel the need to be quite,  around.    Cause the next thing you know, other people are looking at you,  looking like they just saw you do something strange.   Why?    Because one of your so-called friends said something about you, now this person recognizes you and is now dreaming up all sorts of things about you, but they won’t say hi. WHY? . . .Because they don’t know you, they just heard about you. And whether that person heard dirt about you or something else, it was told,  to them,  by one,  of your friends.

Friends.   What is a friend . . .

  • Is it    TRUST.    YES!
  • Is it    KNOWING.    YES!
  • Is it    FAITH.    YES!
  • Is it    TWO-FACED.    NO!
  • Is it    BACK-STABBING.   NO!
  • Is It    MAYBE i will see you tomorrow.   NO!

Friend will say,  see you tomorrow or in a few days and i will see what i can do. Friend.  These really, [friend], people who are indeed true friends never say MAYBE.  They tell you how IT IS.

This friend called Eric always tells me how it is. This friend never hides the fact about anything, and gives it to me straight. But this friend did say to me, [out of pure quintessence], they said, {maybe, i will see what i can do, just give me a few minutes}.  There for by using the word maybe, in the way it was used, made the word actually,  mean something,  by putting [maybe] right into action on the spot.  

  • Not saying maybe and maybe never happens.
  • Not saying maybe and they never come back.
  • Not saying maybe when they really don’t want to.

It is hard to have and or find a real true friend, but i did and i have and it is good.  All though this friend has their own life and lives on the different side of things,  they continue to be my friend,  and i and they have faith in one another,  along with the trust and the knowing that we can confided in each other,  with nobody,  to be the better. FRIEND.

When friends get together it is a blast . . .Everyone has a great time and no worries to be had. When friends get together fun all around, laughter and jokes, combined with,  safety knowing securities and trust hold faith in each other. Friends are good to have if you have the right ones.  


Is there such a thing . . .YES!  Of course . . .take a good look at your friends should you have any, can you trust your life to that person called friend.   I can,  as they know,  i would do for them.

God is a friend and i trust in him,  but this is about Eric my eye seeing friend. I can’t see God.



Wow . . .All that. To blab and talk of all that . . .What good will it do, it is just like adding more salt thinking no salt was used, then spoiled things.

THEDOGHOUSE has been asked to tweet about the ECONOMY, POLITICS, and several other useless topics, without even thinking thedoghouse is not about worldly problems, as we the people have to many other problems of our own . . .

There are plenty of people, i mean,  CARPETBAGGERS,  out there , and there IS NOTHING IN THIS WORLD THAT THEDOGHOUSE CAN SAY OR WILL SAY, THAT CAN CHANGE THINGS. So,  we HEAR at THEDOGHOUSE,  redeem such tweeting as blubber. Go save a whale, we tried, they said they had enough people to do it but they would be happy to take any money  had to put towards the cause.

Chitter chatter what does it matter we the people have no say this causes problems in our living day, so we live by the rules wishing it was us,  collecting,  tax paying people’s money and getting fat off the land put here by God our Mother Earth, listening to all their scheming ideas,  to squeeze on this evil root,  called  money,dropping poison in the water, while we drown.

To put a stop to something you did not have a start in is to cause a ripple, things get shaken, somethings fall down and go boom. We the people do what we are told or don’t pass go and collect 200$.

How the country is run, this place we have to live in, is concern enough without delving into hell about it and not living.

Life is like that . . .We have choices on a daily average of 20-out-of-20 per day. Millions of people choose not to fight the running carpet-baggers, guiding this world into the future of the unknown technical diversities that can  and do rune us, because they know if they persist in trying to stop the big-heads they end up in non-existence or something there like that. THEDOGHOUSE has this particular feeling about pepper-spray, tazers and beatings to the head with bats.

THEDOGHOUSE is quite happy giving you insights of life and help ease your pain, giving you thoughts and laughter, a little break during the day. If everybody is doing the same thing then what good is other anything.

TWEET the Economy and politics you say?

MONEY is GREED and it RULES the world and the people with the money have the say . . .Economy is something that is with change, ask the cave dwellers what happen to their economy, then  compare it to ours.

Politics? To run a country you need money. More money than it would take to run a Birthday Party. Compare what it takes to run the Birthday party to a country. What do each involve. How much quantity will it take to support everyone there. Now protect your party and protect your country, do they compare? NO . . .You can’t afford your army. You can but it is small, you have one bouncer,  they have a million bouncers. Ouch.

POLITICS- government whole different party. JUST think of all the trouble, thedoghouse would be in if it started barking it’s mouth off pissing on the carpets.  NO THANK-YOU. there is a tree out back and it sure is pretty.